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Many items are eligible for a refund within:

  • 30 days of delivery—the refund window will begin on the day of delivery, even if the item was late.

  • 30 days of the maximum delivery date if the item hasn’t arrived.



Some items have exceptions. See the Exceptions section below to learn more about which items are treated differently and how.

Damaged, defective, or incorrect item received

If an item arrives and it’s defective, damaged, or incorrect (even if it has an exception), it is eligible for a refund and may need to be returned.

The Standard Returns Process

  • Please contact Support to initiate the return and we’ll walk you through the process.

  • If the item isn’t subject to an exception, you must request your refund within 30 days of delivery of the item. If your item doesn’t arrive by the maximum delivery date, you must request your refund within 30 days of the maximum delivery date.

  • In certain cases, such as defective, damaged, or incorrect items, you may be required to provide evidence of the issue, such as a photo. In other cases, such as with higher value items (including a high-value item that is incorrect or arrived defective or damaged), you may be required to return the item to receive a refund.

  • If you are required to return an item, you may be responsible for paying the return shipping costs.

  • Depending on your financial institution, refunds can take up to 14 days to be credited to your original payment method.

  • Refunds are processed within 48 hours of the request if a return is not required. If a return is required, the refund will be processed once the item has been returned to the applicable destination (e.g. merchant or returns center) and is confirmed to be in good condition.



  • Orders begin processing shortly after they’ve been placed, so there is a short period where your order can be cancelled successfully via Customer Support. If the cancellation period has passed, you can always return your order for a full refund.


Refund Exceptions

  • Perishables - If the item you order is perishable, it is not eligible for return or refund in most cases.

  • Excluded Items - Certain Health & Hygiene Items (e.g. skin lotion, toothpaste) or electronic media such as software are not eligible for return or refund if the seal is broken (i.e it has been opened).

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